Sunday, January 9, 2022

Rawatan Treatment Laser Muka Part 1


Tahun 2020-2021, I invested sum money untuk buat rawatan muka.

After so many years of skincare regime especially brightening but still tak berjaya untuk lighten hyperpigmentation, tak ada kesan pada freckles atau dark spot. I give up T.T. 

Makin lama makin banyak especially dekat pipi.  Padahal compare zaman study duk asyik berpanas training. Zaman kerja  lagi mencanak naik. Actually we inherited genetic from mak side. Kulit cerah jadi cepat betul naik. Zaman sekolah  lagi dah ada. My younger sister pun macam tu jugak walaupun she only at her early 20s. Make it worst  just only tahun 2018, mula ada kesedaran apply sunscreen every day konsisten kalau tak just harap SPF dalam skin care. Itu pun dah too late dah macam polka dot pipi ni.

Back to the main story, I sign up for treatment di One Doc last September of 2020. My series of treatments is actually only for 5 sessions. Then but I decide to add another 5 totally cost of RM 6600 (the prices depend on the promotion and packages). Why because if a hyperpigmentation problem susah nak hilang only after 2- 3 session of laser.

Mahal, yes quite expensive compare other clinics or centre but the treatment  not only laser. They do all steps: cuci, scrub, extraction, laser, hydration dan nano light treatment. Nanti I share details of the process.

Kindly visit ;

                                                      Lokasi : Plaza Arkadia, Kepong 

Include : 50 mask. Pakai mask hydration penting sebab muka kita akan ada down effect lepas treatment. Hydration akan bantu pemulihan lebih cepat.